
Sasu Ueno


Full NameSasu Ueno
Nickname"Score" (Scorpian)
NationalityBirth place is unknown. He has lived in Doma for as long as he can remember.
Marital StatusSingle
SexualityBisexual (Heavy Male Lean)
Moral AlignmentChaotic neutral, bordering on chaotic evil at points.

Sasu works as a yakuza tattoo artist primarily, and when he isn't doing work for a specific family, he runs his own tattoo shop and club in the red light district with a few of his actual family members. There, they manage a well respected informant business in the underbelly, which offers quality information in exchange for big bucks to criminals and mercenaries alike. Occasionally, Sasu or the other members will be sent out to deal with certain 'tasks' if requested by a client.


Sasu's family is a whacky bunch of characters, each being born nameless until they pick a specific creature to use as inspiration for a fighting style. Should someone pick the same animal as an ancestor, they will be named the same thing, as they believe it will pass down lessons learned from previous generations.

Parents _ Mother Owha Ueno (The Owl), Father Tora Ueno (The Tiger)Siblings _ Younger Sister Lee Lee Ueno (The Leech), Older Brother Konda Ueno (The Snake), Younger Brother Ulf Ueno (The Wolf)Grandparents _ Grandma Ryo-ya Ueno (The Dragon), Grandpa Same Ueno (The Shark)

With their roots as refugees finding a way for themselves in the underworld, they left a subtle yet impactful name for themselves as folks you can trust in a world where trust is rarely given. They work off of money, and see that contracts are finished perfectly and only the best, most high quality information is collected. Their perfectionism comes at a high-price tag, which allows them to open up a niche, grunge nightclub known primarily to criminal groups and music connoisseurs.


Positive Traits _ creative, adaptable, relaxed, quick-witted, independent, observant, reliable

Negative Traits _ instinctual, distant, childish, stubborn, apathetic, trigger happy

Likes _ art (drawing, tattoos painting, graffiti), piercings, music, goth and grunge fashion, cheap food, alcohol, sweets and snacks (but nothing too sweet), jewelry, insects and arachnids, new supplies.

Dislikes _ math, being lectured to/long one-sided conversations, boredom, bitterness (i.e coffee), dishonesty/disingenuous behavior, prison, mornings, messy spaces.


Tattoos _ Sasu's tattoos are unique in that he is capable of infusing them with aether to offer enhanced or protective abilities to the recipient. There are limitations. If the tattoo gets damaged beyond a certain point, or gets too worn out, the aether is released.

Injections _ equipped with sharp teeth and nails. They're capable of producing a special aetheric ink that can then be injected into opponents. When he's frightened or excited in battle, they can end up secreting this ink, similar to venom being pushed from a snake's fang.

Ink (Tattoos) _ this is just regular ink he's made himself from scratch. It's infused with a specific type of aether with a specific type of purpose before the session. The ink turns the tattoo into a rune of sorts, which is then activated by Sasu. It can also be de-activated by him.

Ink (Nails and Teeth) _ this ink is developed naturally from his body. Combining with his aether, it acts as an extension of himself. Once injected, it can move through someone's body and take over limbs, and in exceptionally large doses, can easily kill someone. His ink can also act as a way of monitoring someone's vitals, or tracking someone. If he collects this ink in large amounts, he can use them externally. For example, a puddle can turn into a pile of spikes.

Tail _ Sasu's tail acts similarly to a scorpions. It has a venom it can inject into opponents, which is primarily made up of a strong tranquilizer. However, he can control when his tail injects venom and when it doesn't, allowing him to utilize his tail freely as an actual weapon that can pierce and stab at insane speeds.


  • The area where he injects can change the outcome. If he manages to inject his ink near someone's temple or at the back of their neck, for example, he can gain control over someone's nervous system and manipulate them.

  • If the ink is injected into someone who is particularly large, it will take a larger amount of ink to accomplish anything. This also includes body parts that are larger than others (such as the thighs versus the forearm).

  • The ink can only spread at the rate of someone's blood pressure/heart rate. The more saturated the ink is, the faster it may spread simply because of the amount. However, if someone either has no heartbeat or maintains a slow BPM and blood pressure, the ink will not spread or will spread considerably slower.

  • Like venom, the ink can be stopped from spreading through the use of a tourniquet.

  • The ink he injects can be filtered out naturally from the body without much harm, though depending on the severity, a more fast acting approach may be needed.

  • There is a limit to how far Sasu can be before he can no longer control the ink. He can move limbs taken over by his ink without looking at it, but it will be far more inaccurate, similar to trying to watch a movie with a bunch of TV static.

  • If the ink is consumed, it will stain the lining of the throat, mouth, and esophagus which can then be absorbed into the skin relatively quickly. It then acts no different than if it were injected. However, the ink is burned away in the stomach due to the stomach acid and mucus lining. He can only offer basic commands to the ink in its external form should he try to control it immediately within someone's body, as someone's aether acts like a wall that blocks proper connection.


  • Open to all sorts of genres including psychological horror, mystery, ERP, and violent adult themes as long as all parties/companies involved are consenting and above the age of 19. NO EXCEPTIONS.

  • Zero patience for metagamers, OOC drama, and godmodders. If you have an issue with me or are concerned with any of the content that may occur within our roleplay, please speak to me about it as soon as you can. I am more than happy to talk it out without judgment and make arrangements to make you more comfortable. Additionally, if you have any triggers you would like me to be aware of, please tell me when you can! I want to make sure both of us are having fun in a safe, happy environment.

  • I am completely open to being attacked, kidnapped, robbed from, and everything in-between as long as the circumstances are reasonable and realistic. With this in mind, I also expect the same courtesy from you. If there is a moment where you feel yourself getting frustrated in an IC fight for whatever reason, feel free to step away or let me know. This is to prevent IC feelings from seeping into OOC, or OOC anger slipping into IC, which I find is often one of the biggest causes of godmodding and other such acts.

  • IC =/= OOC | (Player is 21+) | AST Timezone | WU/T | M/DRP

  • My schedule is often chaotic and hard to predict, so I try to avoid promising a specific amount of roleplay or dedicating myself to a long-term roleplay partner except in very rare circumstances. This is primarily for your sanity just as much as it is for mine.

  • I am not interested in any IRL romantic relationship in any capacity. So, if you start treating me like your lover, you start offering very direct flirtatious comments to me as an individual (I can tell the difference between playful teasing and actual advancements), or you approach my character thinking something will eventually blossom, I will promptly start spraying herbicide.

  • Feel free to contact me on discord if you have any questions, comments or concerns: (boxofcarrots).
